

This page is just a page of links, and possibly a small description/tweet talking about it, to things I am currently working on or have worked on that I want to bring attention to.


Kali Linux automated installation

GitHub Project:

This is a repository that will be used to help create a process of a new kali vagrant box for hashicorp each month. - elreydetoda/packer-kali_linux

The Kali project highlighted that this project and/or my blog post was the inspiration for them creating their Vagrant box πŸ₯³ :

The documentation is a bit lacking, but the other resources below should help with understanding till I can update it.

Second time presenting the talk, but at BsidesCHS this time:

Also, if you are interested in learning more about the️ project, as I mention on my education page, I can teach a workshop on how you can do the same thing. The workshop is called RedOps ABBs ( Automated Building Blocks ), which is a beginner class to teach the fundamentals of using DevOps tools for red team operations.

More about the project:

While working at Secure Ideas, I did a few blog posts about the thought process behind the blogs:

How to use:

This is an instructional video on how you can use Vagrant, along with my automated build, from a pentesters perspective.

Vagrant files

This is my Vagrantfile for how I personally use automated build, and the extra customizations I use on top of it.

collection of vagrantfiles with default configs that I like and shell scripts or ansible playbooks I like - elreydetoda/vagrant-files


Bash Tricks

This is a project that I am doing at work to teach people about how awesome bash is and some cool/nuanced things you can use it for. (i.e. easy prompt setup, shortcuts in the bash shell, built in commands, etc...)

Bash Tricks
Alex Rodriguez shares bash techniques for beginners and more advanced operators to be effective in a Linux/Unix environment.