Bio/About Me

Working with automation (mainly Infrastructure as Code (IaC)) & leveraging the power of the Linux kernel are some of my favorite projects. While not the most experienced in the security industry, I try to be the most curious & listen as much as I can. While I work with a lot of technologies, ranging from bash scripts to Vagrant-ception, and even more at work, I love using & building Open Source tools. I also enjoy using them in creative & interesting ways. Lastly, I love listening to podcasts!

I talk about my current work here:

I talk about my current projects here:

If you would like me to give a talk please check out this post on my blog, and you can fill out a form to have me speak or give a workshop somewhere:

I have tried to wayback machine all my blog posts, and they should be listed here:

Other info:



Twitter: @RonJonArod

(Personal) Public Slides:

49th Security Division

  • President of club for 2 years Fall 2016 to Spring 2018
  • Participated in 3 SECCDCs (2016 - 2018)

In the Community

  • 2018-06 SouthEast LinuxFest (SELF) - Automating Your Red Team Infrastructure; WBM
  • 2019-04 CarolinaCon 15 - Automating Your Red Team Infrastructure;
  • Spoken to student organizations on many occasions

Old Bio

I had been trying to live and breath automating security infrastructure and helping spread security knowledge at UNC Charlotte with the 49th Security Division. Now I am fortunate to work at Secure Ideas, also known as Professionally Evil, trying to be a jack of all trades, and automate anything and everything. Besides automation, I love open-source, network/sys admining work, and security in general. I am *nix, vim, zsh, zfs, and tmux lover, and I enjoy helping new people with security, linux, or anything I can!

# for my new bio, but not the blog :)
Learn more about me here: